Monday, June 2, 2014

Days 117 - 125, The Things I have Learned in Africa & My Surprise Homecoming

Well I made it home! A week earlier than I had originally planned, but I got to surprise my sister & all my friends so it was pretty fun! We had 3 weeks for finals & mine were all finished within one & I was pretty much completely out of money so I couldn’t do any extra traveling. Honestly, I could barely do any eating my last couple days because I was so broke so my mom had a friend that made a call (or several) for me & I came home a week early! I had a wonderful last week. I finished all of my exams & spent my last days with the awesome people I met. That doesn’t mean leaving didn’t break my heart completely though. It didn’t really hit that I was leaving even when I was on the plane home, & I still don’t think it’s hit me yet & I’m in Bozeman. My best friends that I met in Ghana took me to the airport & I held it together saying my goodbyes to everyone. I got a little teary eyed but didn’t actually shed any tears until I was in the airport in Frankfurt, Germany. I’m generally not much of a crier, but I thought I’d be a mess leaving so I’m glad I could hold it together a little bit at least. For my very last post I decided to share the things that I have learned over the past several months since I left in January & a video of me surprising my sister when I got home so here it goes –

Things I have learned:
-       I heard something on my last night in Ghana that just might stick with me forever, and that is that Americans could really take a lesson from Ghanaians on contentedness. These people don’t have much, but they are so incredibly happy. And if not happy, they are at least content. I’m not sure if I know many Americans that aren’t always looking for something bigger, something better, something more, and we already have so much.
-       Be proud of where you come from. Every country, state, and town is different. Take pride in that place & embrace the things that set your home apart from everyone.
-       Emerging yourself into a new culture, especially one that in underdeveloped, might be one of the hardest things you could ever do, do it anyways. It isn’t easy, but you will grow more than you know.
-       Never wish away the seasons, having all 4 (or close enough) is extremely lucky. Each season change brings a new excitement.
-       Listening to “I’ll be home for Christmas” is a quick fix for homesickness.
-       Potholes in Montana aren’t worth complaining about. And they will always be fixed. Eventually.
-       Be thankful that the US has driving laws & even more thankful that most drivers obey them.
-       We live with way more than we will ever really need. Life can be so much simpler.
-       Schools is the US are amazing. The organization & resources are something to be appreciated.
-       While embracing a new culture is tricky, keep in mind that what they do is now wrong, just different.
-       Not using your phone in social settings is one of the best things you can do for your life. It allows you to be present & in the moment.
-       If you have parents that love you, you have much more than so many others.
-       Diversity & acceptance of those differences is rare. A lot of the world doesn’t hold these qualities & I’m thankful that the US does.

Writing this blog has been a lot of fun for me these past few months. Thanks for keeping up with my adventures! It feels good to be home :) Love to you all,
