Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 1.


     Today is your day!

  You're off to great places,

          You're off & away!"

 The time is finally here, today I start my journey to Africa for a semester abroad. I board my plane in a few hours to Chicago, then to Frankfurt, and 26 hours later I will land in my new home, Ghana!

I have been asked many times why I chose to go to Africa out of all places, while many students chose Europe, the UK, or Australia. Well, the short, simple answer is - the University of Ghana was one of few that offered classes in my major department. 

...but more truly & importantly, Africa is a place I have always dreamed of & wanted to experience. What better place to find your independence? Without the resources and support that I am used to in Montana, it will be an awesome way for me to really create who I want to be. I am doing this pretty much alone, though I will meet other international students at my school, I have yet to meet anyone else who will be living there with me for the next 5 months, but it feels good doing something major like this for myself.

 I have changed my major a time or two too many since I started at MSU two & a half years ago, but I think I finally found one that will stick. I am currently studying health & human development with the intent to continue on to law school. Once I (hopefully) obtain that degree I want to work with international adoption cases. With that being said, I was lucky enough to find an orphanage in Ghana that I can volunteer intern at while studying abroad. I think it'll be a good way to get an idea of what I could be working with one day while changing my life completely.

My parents & my sister planned a little gathering for all my friends to come over so I could see them before I left & I want to thank those of you who stopped by if I haven't already. I got a little emotional by the hour (and with every glass of wine, since who knows what kind of a selection I'll have in Africa) but it was so good to see everyone before I took off! 

I was up late talking to a good friend of mine last night while I was anxiously awaiting this moment & couldn't sleep, & I said to him that it's not until you make a decision like this that you realize how blessed you are to have such good people in your life & that they are the reason it's always been impossible to leave before. Being just a few hours away from actually leaving Montana, that statement couldn't be more true. It's pretty crazy how much you can take for granted when it's all at your fingertips. I haven't left Bozeman for much longer than a week before this so it was a big step for me & a difficult set of "see you later's" to all my favorite people, but I honestly can't wait to land in Africa & start this amazing experience! 

I'll try to keep this blog updated as much as possible, and will post again once I arrive so you all know I made it :) love to you all!


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